Developed by CUSTOMERAIDE® experts, our online learning programmes offer a convenient interactive way to improve your category, brand and customer growth skills. As an approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider, we are rolling out CPD accreditation of all our learning resources so you’ll earn accredited CPD points for every hour you spend improving your job relevant skills. After completion of each programme you can download a CUSTOMERAIDE® CPD Certificate. What’s more, CPD accredited activity is recognised worldwide.
To enhance your career, add your CPD activity to the Professional Development section of your CV. Show employers you are willing to learn on the job and serious about improving your job relevant skills.
Team Leaders
Enjoy the extra reassurance of accredited CPD quality standards and demonstrate your company’s competitive commitment to upskilling and investing in your teams to grow your categories and brands.
CUSTOMERAIDE® Learning Programmes
Browse through some of our most popular learning programmes, get in touch or book a demo. We’d be delighted to show you around!